Because I like beautiful girls.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The voices scare me....

Infomania: What is the relationship between Apple and lain?:

"Close the World, Open the nExt"

I can see all the Lain viewers pop up with interest at that last line. Apple fans might be surprised to know how much trivia regarding their favorite company is in this show.

First: go to System Preferences > Speech > More Voices > Whisper

Hit Play. Sound familiar? It should.

Ah that show was great...

Updated: Now the cover my Computer Info Binder (with my recovery discs/manuals/etc) has Lain/Think Different on it:


Jon Fawkes said...

you should post the clip of the whisper for us non-mac users :3

Jyuichi said...

Why don't you just watch Lain?