Because I like beautiful girls.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saikano Supplementary Volume : You and the Two of Them at the End of the World (?)

最終兵器彼女 外伝集 世界の果てには君と二人で

Bit shaky on that title translation ^^; but yes, this is a supplementary volume of Saikano!!! I found it unsuspectingly at my local Book Off (still one copy in stock at San Diego branch!) Several color parts for every story as well as a Saikano illustration gallery make this a nice buy :D

Stories included:
  • わたしたちは散歩する (We go on a stroll) Chapter 4 : This is Shin Presents! 4 koma series chapter four. The chapters are seemingly not connected.
  • 世界の果てには君と二人で。。。(Long title I am not typing it out):This is a long story with a long name I haven't tried to power through yet. New cast and subtitle: "The Last Folk Song on This Little Planet" Set during the time of Saikano.
  • LOVE STORY, KILLED. : This one was published a couple years back around the anime announcement and quite a few fan translations can be found on the net. An excellent story.
  • スター*チャイルド (Star Child) : Again I have not read this story yet (as I am lazy and have eroge to play) but seems likely to be an aftermath story.
  • ギャラリ 「最終兵器彼女の世界」(Gallery : The World of She, The Ultimate Weapon) Color art SinPre has made of Saikano since the release of Love Song 2002 artbook.

Don't expect to find this in English any time soon despite that Viz hold the license for the original 7 books.

She, The Ultimate Weapon, or Saikano is an amazing romantic seinen manga and I would highly recommend it to all mature fans but just as a reminder, Takahashi Shin puts the graphic in graphic novel as this series (including this supplementary volume) contains serious depictions of war and sex (sometimes together). XP

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